Reason of first world WAR

           Reason of first world WAR
The reasons for the First World War are so complex that interpreting the war means Europe's history of political diplomacy after 1870.  Actually, in the process of finding the reason, it would have to go till the time of 1789 or Louis 1014!  To go deeper into the reasons for this war, one has to see or understand the combined forces and tendencies that have been working for a long time under different countries of Europe!  And there are many reasons for war which are-

 1) Secret Pact System - The primary reason for this war was the Gupta system.  In fact, this system was the dimen- sion of Wismark who attempted to devise the mechanism of such a treaty against the enemy bodies of Germany after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. This step gradually divided Europe into anti-arms camps.  Keep bumping into each other!  As can be anticipated, the treaty system was helpful in establishing peace between all members of a camp on some occasions!  However, due to this system, it became inevitable for all the powers of Europe to join the war when the war started.

 From 1871 to 1890 Vismark was the architect of European politics!  He wanted peace as Chancellor of the new German Empire!  He implied that Germany was a 'satisfied' nation!  He knew that the only reason for his ruin would be!  Therefore, Vismark became a supporter of maintaining the balance of power that emerged as a result of the situation and the secret coalition system!  He knew that France had become such a staunch enemy of Germany, especially after the humiliation of 1870, that it was not possible to compromise!  And Bismarck put his sari diplomatic gimmicks and political insights into preparing the treaty for Germany's title.  France was an enemy of Germany. Vismark's success was in diplomacy isolation of France!  Following this policy, Germany made a treaty with Austria in 1879 with this two-pronged commitment. If Russia attacks one of the two powers, the other will cooperate in its security!  Three years later, in 1882, Vismark encouraged the ongoing French-Italy hostilities on the issue of Tunisia and inspired Italy to end its hostile hostility with Austria!  In 1882, a three-western secret treaty was signed between Germany, Italy and Austria as a defensive treaty against France and Russia on one side!

 France had become powerless since the Franco-Prussian War!  That strong alliance was presenting a big problem for him!  As long as Vismark remained the center of power, he maintained a system of balance of power which he pioneered with the renegotiation treaty with Russia in 1887!  The isolation of France from the rest of Europe was increasing!  But after 1890, when Vismark was not Chancellor of Germany, his successors left the path of complete diplomacy!  In Berlin Congress, there was some bitterness in the relations between Russia and Germany by taking a solution to the eastern question.  France took advantage of this naïve situation and, by careful work, succeeded in making a treaty with Russia in 1891!  Thus preparing the Archipelago Treaty which not only ended the secession of France but also emerged as the understanding power of the Three-West Treaty!  With the conclusion of Wismark's diplomacy in Germany, the British diplomats began to rethink policy!  In the eyes of the German Emperor, this 'fact' was not right that Germany has a satisfied nation and power!  With this idea, he announced the policy of establishing a world empire!  He also implied that Germany's future is based on the seas!  This German policy was a warning to Britain, which forced her to come out of 'superior isolation' and brought it closer to bilateral alliances!  Concluded on friendly alliances, ending all differences with France in Britain!  Then a similar agreement was signed with Russia in 1907!  In this way, France Russia and England formulated a separate political treaty in the name of the Tripathi Mitra alliance.  With the tripartite treaty colliding with the Tripathi Treaty, the situation in Europe became "arms locked peace"!  The continental powers of Europe were not at war with each other, but were adopting a jealous attitude towards their neighbors, which resulted in a change of rate and doubt in the whole atmosphere of Europe!  All the powers were increasingly militarized with the fear of any major confrontation, which was the result of the split in two opposing camps of Europe!  The division of two opposing arms of Europe should be seen in the context of the emergence and development of imperialism!  This was a situation in which European countries were preparing new colonies ready to move fast in the expansion of trade and borders!  And in the process, they were competing with each other!  It is evident that in order to prove his physical strength in international politics, it was necessary to make himself superior in militarization and political mastery!

2)Militarism-  Militarization was in fact directly linked to the system of secret agreements and was another important cause of war!  A large number grew under Napoleon!  During the unification of Germany, Wismark effectively expanded and developed this policy!  After the Franco-Persian War of 1870, all the superpowers started increasing military and sea weapons in greater quantity!  This arms race was being done in the name of circumcision!  Due to this, there was an atmosphere of fear and doubt among the nations.  If any one country increased its military power or did the work of laying railway lines at a particular place, then its neighboring countries would immediately start doing the same work in fear!  This trend continued continuously and the accumulation of weapons increased every day!  This work intensified even after the Balkan Wars of 1912–13!  Anglo-German maritime hostility also became a cause of war!

 As a result of militarization, a large number of activists were also required in the form of human resources for land and maritime work, which were psychologically soon cast into the 'imperative' of war!  For these people, the war was about to open doors of promotion and importance soon!  It is not that they wanted war for their personal health, yet the desire for the opportunity to put into practice the preparations for war must have left their psychological impact!

3)Nationalism - Another important cause of the war was the slaughter of nationalism that ran throughout Europe!  This nationalism was actually given to the French Revolution!  Italy and Germany used the unprecedented emergence of nationalism as a strong political force in their respective countries!  The integration of Italy and Germany became possible because Caver and Wismark were successful in raising nationalist consciousness!  In the same process, the feeling of ethnic pride within the people also started to develop!  And they began to understand their countries above and above the rest of the countries, due to which it was only natural to show their arrogant behavior with the rest of the countries, especially the neighboring countries!  The excess of nationalist sentiment deepened the already existing gulf between the nations!  For example, behind this increased hostility between nations like Germany and Britain, the competition for this extreme land and hydro militarization intensified!  Due to this aggressive nationalist sentiment, European powers were clashing with each other in Asia Africa and Balkans for their selfishness!  It is because of this aggressive reliefist sentiment of the French people that they have a feeling of revenge on the presence of Alus and Lauren in them, which made France the biggest enemy of Germany!  After 1886, relations between France and Germany continued to be tense!  Along with Napoleon 3, it was the suffering national public opinion which was bringing even more bitterness in the jealousy towards the power of Persia!  The rise of blind nationalism resulted in the Franco-Persian War in 1870 and a new phase of popular madness in international relations began!  At the same time, Naira of incomplete Italy also rose, which was an expression of Italy's nationalist aspiration to grab Italian-speaking Veriste and Trentino districts from Austria!  Italy sought cooperation from Germany for this!


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